Strong | $20,000

Sharon Davidson

Anne Gattis

Marti Pozzi & Jim Congdon

The Simpson Family

Glenn & Ellen Voyles


Bold | $6,500

Marcia & George Argyris


Charmaine Clay & Scott Willis

Robin Evitts

Sheena Jain & Vivek Daftuar

Aisha Kelly-Vong & Thomas Vong



Gabrielle Tierney & Eric Bindelglass











Smart | $10,000 


Ally | $4,000

Ericka Curls Bartling

Kathleen Chambers

Joy Chen & Vernon Giang

Christine Gouig

Mel Harrison & Barbara Hardacre

Helen Kim

Kimura Family

Carla Koren








* Sponsors as of 10/12/23
  Sponsor by Wednesday, September 6th for recognition in the printed program

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